
W sprzedaży dostępne są następujące numery pisma:


Vol. 11, issue 1/2017, 29,00 zł


Vol. 12, issue 1/2018, 29,00 zł


Vol. 13, issue 1/2019, 38,00 zł


Vol. 14, issue 1/2020, 39,00 zł


Vol. 15, issue 1/2021, 42,00 zł


Vol. 16, issue 1/2022, 43,00 zł


Vol. 17, issue 1/2023, 55,00 zł


Vol. 18, issue 1/2024, 65,00 zł

e-Informatica Software Engineering Journal (EISEJ) is an international, open access, no authorship fees, blind peer-reviewed journal that concerns theoretical and practical issues pertaining development of software systems. Our aim is to focus on experimentation and machine learning in software engineering.

The journal is published under the auspices of the Polish Academy of Sciences, Committee of Computer Science, Software Engineering Section.

Aims and Scope:

The purpose of e-Informatica Software Engineering Journal is to publish original and significant results in all areas of software engineering research.

The scope of e-Informatica Software Engineering Journal includes methodologies, practices, architectures, technologies and tools used in processes along the software development lifecycle, but particular stress is laid on empirical evaluation.

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